Stefan Germann

Stefan Germann

Stefan Germann, CEO Fondation Botnar a foundation in Basel Switzerland focusing on child health, nutrition and education. Stefan is tasked as first CEO to set up the management office and lead the foundation in the next stage of it’s development.

Formerly, Executive Director (an innovative collaborative child nutrition and healthy lifestyle campaign), and Senior Director of World Vision International Sustainable Health Partnership, Innovation and Accountability unit based in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. World Vision operates currently in almost 100 countries.

He worked for over 15 years in Africa in various health leadership roles with different agencies in the area of child health related development, relief and advocacy work. His worked included managing a large rural hospital in Zimbabwe.

In 2005 he started to work with World Vision International’s emergency relief team as the director for the integrated technical sector teams in the Asia Tsunami response. This was a complex relief & reconstruction program where he was based in Asia. This program included major health components, including primary health care rehabilitation in Sri Lanka and mHealth projects for midwives in Aceh, Indonesia. He held a number of board and advisory board memberships (Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health, UBS Optimus Foundation, REPSSI in Africa) and currently is on the Advisory Board of the Global Health Program, The Graduate Institute – Geneva focusing on the role of NGOs in global health diplomacy. He holds a micro-engineering BSc degree, an MSc degree (Economics) in Social Policy & NGO Management and completed in 2005 a doctoral degree in Development studies focusing on child well-being in urban African context. Stefan finished in 2015 an executive Masters program in Tri Sector Collaboration at Singapore Management University.

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  • Organization
    Fondation Botnar
  • Profession
    Chief Executive Officer
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