Engage with AI for Good

Are you a potential speaker, start-up, partner or sponsor and would like to help shape the future of AI for Good? Join the #AIforGood community and get in touch!


Are you a problem owner or an AI innovator?

Submit your proposal to be a part of our programme.


Do you have an innovative idea or a start-up using AI to advance the SDGs?

Sign up for a chance to compete and pitch in our AI for Good Innovation Factory.


Your window of opportunity to shape the future.

Align yourself with the UN SDGs and support the AI for Good movement!


Our collective intention to drive meaningful change, and aims to harness this potential by scaling AI-driven projects globally, rescuing the SDGs.

Canvas of the Future

AI-driven visions of a sustainable world

AI for Good invites artists and AI enthusiasts worldwide to create inspiring and innovative visual artworks using AI tools to showcase their vision for a sustainable future in alignment with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs).

The winner will join us at the AI for Good Global Summit 2024 on 30-31 May in Geneva

Innovate for Impact

The AI for Good Challenge to Meet the SDGs

Harness the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) for the betterment humanity and the preservation of our planet. Supported by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology (MIIT) of China, AI for Good extends a global invitation to innovate and propel AI solutions forward, aimed at achieving the the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Show your support for AI for Good
and the United Nations’ SDGs!

Stand out from the crowd at your next event!

Products are made to order and all proceeds from the AI for Good E-shop support the AI for Good Impact Fund.

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    Contact us

    Have a question? Get in touch!