Cristina Rea

Cristina Rea

Cristina is a Research Scientist at MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, addressing the challenge of disruptions in tokamak plasmas through predictive modelling that integrates machine learning algorithms with plasma control systems. She collaborates with scientists at General Atomics, Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory, and the Chinese Academy of Sciences Institute of Plasma Physics on machine learning applications to plasma control and stability. She is the lead organizer of the recurrent PSFC Computational Physics School for Fusion Research, that aims at providing young researchers with critical skill sets to tackle modern fusion energy research challenges through High Performance Computing, Parallel Programming, Computational Statistics & Uncertainty Quantification, and Machine Learning. Cristina also leads the PSFC Machine Learning working group aiming at fostering the interest and discussion around different machine learning applications to fusion research.


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  • Organization
    Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
  • Profession
    Research Scientist
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