Armin Wedler

Armin Wedler

Dr Armin Wedler received his diploma and bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering and robotics in 2004 and his doctorate on “Adaptive passive compliant systems for use in robotics” in 2010 from the University of Hannover. He started his professional career in 2006, also at the university as a research assistant, and moved to DLR German Aerospace Center, Institute of Robotics and Mechatronics in 2008. Here he focused on the design and development of advanced mobile space robotics systems for planetary exploration. After gaining experience as a scientific developer, he was able to continuously expand his expertise as a system engineer, technical manager, and finally as project manager and coordinator. With his contributions to national and international projects such as EXOMARS (ESA), DEXHAND (DLR-ESA), Mobile Payload Element (DLR- MPE), Next Lunar Lander (ESA-NLL), ROBEX (HGF), ARCHES (HGF), MASCOT (DLR, CNES, JAXA), Rover for MMX (DLR, CNES, JAXA) he was able to further expand his expertise, experience and knowledge base.  

Through his role as head of the planetary exploration domain within the DLR Robotics Institute as well as his team leadership for the development of innovative mobile robotic systems, he was able to demonstrate his coordination skills. Mr. Wedler is also active in various committees, e.g. ISCEG as well as in scientific and technical topic groups for robotics in harsh environments. Through this work, he was also appointed to lead the Institute’s Field Robotics Group, in which role Mr. Wedler has been coordinating the humanitarian AHEAD project since 2020, which aims to develop remotely controlled humanitarian food aid deliveries using robotic vehicles, enabling deliveries into terrain that is difficult or dangerous for humans to access. 

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  • Organization
    DLR Robotics Institute
  • Profession
    Head of the planetary exploration domain
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