AI Futures

A cinematic exploration of everyday life driven by AI

AI for Good and Our Future Life™ invites storytellers to submit a storyboard with their envisioned life moments and the integration of AI within them. Share a moment of future life you see yourself in. Tell us a story about something you care about – the environment, justice, immigration, science, the future of commerce and democracy, healing, human connection, discovery and exploration. How does this future unite us? What world would you imagine being a part of and how does your idea let us see a glimpse of that world? The finalists will be invited to create a 2-4 minute short film for a chance to be presented during the Summit of the Future in September 2024 where the winner will be selected.

AI for Good and Our Future Life™ invites storytellers to submit a storyboard with their envisioned life moments and the integration of AI within them. Share a moment of future life you see yourself in. Tell us a story about something you care about – the environment, justice, immigration, science, the future of commerce and democracy, healing, human connection, discovery and exploration. How does this future unite us? What world would you imagine being a part of and how does your idea let us see a glimpse of that world? The finalists will be invited to create a 2-4 minute short film for a chance to be presented during the Summit of the Future in September 2024 where the winner will be selected.



Inspire imagination and reflection on the possibilities of a moment of everyday life in which AI plays a part


Empower individuals from all backgrounds to tap into their creative side and manifest their visions of the future


Promote inclusive, global dialogue on how AI can impact our day-to-day lives


Advance new, innovative narratives on the potential uses of AI, pushing the boundaries beyond our current understanding


April 2024

June 2024 – Septmember 2024

October 2024 – May 2025

July 2025

Challenge Submission

Finalists Selection

Scaling and Impact

Scaling and Impact

17 April 2024 Call for stories

20 May 2024 – Deadline for story/storyboard submissions

30 August 2024 – Deadline for short film submissions

June – August 2024 – Applicants to create their short films

1 – 15 September 2024 – Judging panel will review the short films and select finalists

September 2024 – Finalists present their short film at the Summit of the Future, winners are chosen.

October 2024 – May 2025 – Winners showcase their film and works on its impact showcase

July 2025 – Winners present their impact story at the next AI for Good Global Summit 2025. Final awards given


April 2024

Challenge Submission

17 April 2024 Call for stories

20 May 2024 – Deadline for story/storyboard submissions

30 August 2024 – Deadline for short film submissions

June 2024- May 2025

Finalists Selection

June – August 2024 – Applicants to create their short films
1 – 15 September 2024 – Judging panel will review the short films and select finalists
September 2024 – Finalists present their short film at the Summit of the Future, winners are chosen.

June 2024- September 2024

Scaling and Impact

October 2024 – May 2025 – Winners showcase their film and works on its impact showcase

October 2024 – June 2025

Scaling and Impact

July 2025 – Winners present their impact story at the next AI for Good Global Summit 2025. Final awards given

Submission Guidelines

Original idea, in a story format

Showcasing a brief moment in time and part of daily life in the future

International and universal in character

Compatible with the values, purposes and principles of the UN

Use / application of AI tools should be clearly mentioned

Optional: visual elements (we encourage using ethically sourced, licensable creative tools to ensure responsible use of AI)

Judging Criteria

Creativity and Originality

Potential to Inspire and Provoke Thought

Clarity and Coherence of Message

Potential for Impact

Emotional Resonance

Global Relevance

Plausibility and Credibility

Panel of Judges

To be announced soon

In collaboration with

Application form

    Short Film Information


    The submission should include one paragraph with a short summary of the story,
    and no more than two pages for the story itself. The story can be elaborated on later for the film submission if the applicant is shortlisted.

    The accepted formats for story/storyboard submissions are JPG, PNG, or PDF files.

    Yes, but the stories will be evaluated first from 20-28 May.

    Yes, but only if it has been adapted for this contest and if it has not been presented before in a public showcase.

    Selected stories will be evaluated by a jury and presented to public voting during the AI for Good Global Summit 2024. Up to 25 top voted stories will become finalists and get the opportunity to create a short 2-4 minute film/video/ARVR and a chance to present it during the United Nations Summit of the Future in New York in September 2024. A jury will evaluate the film and the winners will be announced.

    Stories/storyboards can be submitted in any language, however please make sure to also provide the English translation for the title and short summary.

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