Building AI startups for global impact.
AI for Good Innovation Factory is the leading UN-based startup pitching and acceleration platform that helps start-ups grow and scale their innovative AI-powered and SDG-driven solutions. Organized by the International Telecommunication Union, it offers opportunities including global pitching, funding connections, top-tier mentoring, VIP experiences, exclusive events access, speaking opportunities, participation in the Startup Acceleration Program, networking with global leaders, and media exposure.
The platform attracts hundreds of startups annually who apply to participate in the monthly online or in-person pitching sessions. These sessions feature startups on a global scale and through specialized sessions that focus on regions and countries, or different sectors (agriculture, climate, energy, healthcare, smart cities).
The year-long competition culminates with the top finalist of each pitching session participating in the prestigious AI for Good Innovation Factory Grand Finale at the AI for Good Global Summit, the final demo event where startups pitch to a panel of investors, VCs, and philanthropists for potential funding.
AI for Good Innovation Factory is the leading UN-based startup pitching and acceleration platform that helps start-ups grow and scale their innovative AI-powered and SDG-driven solutions. Organized by the International Telecommunication Union, it offers opportunities including global pitching, funding connections, top-tier mentoring, VIP experiences, exclusive events access, speaking opportunities, participation in the Startup Acceleration Program, networking with global leaders, and media exposure.
The platform attracts hundreds of startups annually who apply to participate in the monthly online or in-person pitching sessions. These sessions feature startups on a global scale and through specialized sessions that focus on regions and countries, or different sectors (agriculture, climate, energy, healthcare, smart cities).
The year-long competition culminates with the top finalist of each pitching session participating in the prestigious AI for Good Innovation Factory Grand Finale at the AI for Good Global Summit, the final demo event where startups pitch to a panel of investors, VCs, and philanthropists for potential funding.
Looking to accelerate the growth and scale of innovative AI social impact start-ups in your region, or those you’re supporting across different sectors?
Co-organize, with ITU, your own start-ups Innovation Factory, and join your top finalist at the prestigious AI for Good Innovation Factory Grand Finale at the 2025 AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva (8 to 11 July) where the final winner will get a full package of prizes.
Download the package by completing the form below, and we’ll contact you to discuss this exciting opportunity.
Pitch on a Global Stage
Present your solution at the AI for Good Innovation Factory Grand Finale 2025
Funding opportunities
Connections with renowned VCs and accelerators
Access to Mentoring Services
Opportunity to receive feedback and advice from top-level startup mentors
VIP experience at AI for Good Global Summit
Enjoy an exclusive Leader Pass access for the AI for Good Global Summit 2025
AI for Good Exhibition Booth
Showcase your solution at a dedicated booth at the AI for Good Global Summit 2025
Exclusive AI Events Access
Secure complimentary tickets for AI for Good partner events
Speaking Opportunities
Get the chance to present at AI for Good webinars
Cash Prize
Compete for the chance to win the cash award in the Grand Finale.
Accelerator Program
Access to the AI for Good Innovation Factory Startup Acceleration Program 2025
Network with Global Leaders
Connect with UN representatives and key partners
Dedicated Blog Article
Gain recognition with an exclusive blog article highlighting the startup journey and achievements
Media Exposure
Opportunity to gain awareness through global media coverage
October 2024 – March 2025
April – May 2025
July 2025
Monthly AI for Good Innovation Factory Pitching Sessions
AI for Good Innovation Factory Accelerator Programme
AI for Good Innovation Factory Grand Finale
October 2024 – March 2025
Monthly AI for Good Innovation Factory Pitching Competitions
April – May 2025
AI for Good Innovation Factory Accelerator Programme
July 2024
AI for Good Innovation Factory Grand Finale
The Innovation Factory is proud to have top class investors, accelerators, SDG experts who will offer the startups consultation, professional advice, and access to funds, business partners and projects.
For important information regarding the classification, please go to the Division’s website and review the last two questions in the Q&A page. Please be advised that the utilization of this list by AI for Good is exclusively for the purpose of ticketing for the 2024 AI for Good Global Summit, unless otherwise specified
Country or Area | ISO-alpha2 Code | ISO-alpha3 Code | Developed / Developing regions |
Algeria | DZ | DZA | Developing |
Egypt | EG | EGY | Developing |
Libya | LY | LBY | Developing |
Morocco | MA | MAR | Developing |
Sudan | SD | SDN | Developing |
Tunisia | TN | TUN | Developing |
Western Sahara | EH | ESH | Developing |
British Indian Ocean Territory | IO | IOT | Developing |
Burundi | BI | BDI | Developing |
Comoros | KM | COM | Developing |
Djibouti | DJ | DJI | Developing |
Eritrea | ER | ERI | Developing |
Ethiopia | ET | ETH | Developing |
French Southern Territories | TF | ATF | Developing |
Kenya | KE | KEN | Developing |
Madagascar | MG | MDG | Developing |
Malawi | MW | MWI | Developing |
Mauritius | MU | MUS | Developing |
Mayotte | YT | MYT | Developing |
Mozambique | MZ | MOZ | Developing |
Réunion | RE | REU | Developing |
Rwanda | RW | RWA | Developing |
Seychelles | SC | SYC | Developing |
Somalia | SO | SOM | Developing |
South Sudan | SS | SSD | Developing |
Uganda | UG | UGA | Developing |
United Republic of Tanzania | TZ | TZA | Developing |
Zambia | ZM | ZMB | Developing |
Zimbabwe | ZW | ZWE | Developing |
Angola | AO | AGO | Developing |
Cameroon | CM | CMR | Developing |
Central African Republic | CF | CAF | Developing |
Chad | TD | TCD | Developing |
Congo | CG | COG | Developing |
Democratic Republic of the Congo | CD | COD | Developing |
Equatorial Guinea | GQ | GNQ | Developing |
Gabon | GA | GAB | Developing |
Sao Tome and Principe | ST | STP | Developing |
Botswana | BW | BWA | Developing |
Eswatini | SZ | SWZ | Developing |
Lesotho | LS | LSO | Developing |
Namibia | NA | NAM | Developing |
South Africa | ZA | ZAF | Developing |
Benin | BJ | BEN | Developing |
Burkina Faso | BF | BFA | Developing |
Cabo Verde | CV | CPV | Developing |
Côte d’Ivoire | CI | CIV | Developing |
Gambia | GM | GMB | Developing |
Ghana | GH | GHA | Developing |
Guinea | GN | GIN | Developing |
Guinea-Bissau | GW | GNB | Developing |
Liberia | LR | LBR | Developing |
Mali | ML | MLI | Developing |
Mauritania | MR | MRT | Developing |
Niger | NE | NER | Developing |
Nigeria | NG | NGA | Developing |
Saint Helena | SH | SHN | Developing |
Senegal | SN | SEN | Developing |
Sierra Leone | SL | SLE | Developing |
Togo | TG | TGO | Developing |
Anguilla | AI | AIA | Developing |
Antigua and Barbuda | AG | ATG | Developing |
Aruba | AW | ABW | Developing |
Bahamas | BS | BHS | Developing |
Barbados | BB | BRB | Developing |
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba | BQ | BES | Developing |
British Virgin Islands | VG | VGB | Developing |
Cayman Islands | KY | CYM | Developing |
Cuba | CU | CUB | Developing |
Curaçao | CW | CUW | Developing |
Dominica | DM | DMA | Developing |
Dominican Republic | DO | DOM | Developing |
Grenada | GD | GRD | Developing |
Guadeloupe | GP | GLP | Developing |
Haiti | HT | HTI | Developing |
Jamaica | JM | JAM | Developing |
Martinique | MQ | MTQ | Developing |
Montserrat | MS | MSR | Developing |
Puerto Rico | PR | PRI | Developing |
Saint Barthélemy | BL | BLM | Developing |
Saint Kitts and Nevis | KN | KNA | Developing |
Saint Lucia | LC | LCA | Developing |
Saint Martin (French Part) | MF | MAF | Developing |
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines | VC | VCT | Developing |
Sint Maarten (Dutch part) | SX | SXM | Developing |
Trinidad and Tobago | TT | TTO | Developing |
Turks and Caicos Islands | TC | TCA | Developing |
United States Virgin Islands | VI | VIR | Developing |
Belize | BZ | BLZ | Developing |
Costa Rica | CR | CRI | Developing |
El Salvador | SV | SLV | Developing |
Guatemala | GT | GTM | Developing |
Honduras | HN | HND | Developing |
Mexico | MX | MEX | Developing |
Nicaragua | NI | NIC | Developing |
Panama | PA | PAN | Developing |
Argentina | AR | ARG | Developing |
Bolivia (Plurinational State of) | BO | BOL | Developing |
Bouvet Island | BV | BVT | Developing |
Brazil | BR | BRA | Developing |
Chile | CL | CHL | Developing |
Colombia | CO | COL | Developing |
Ecuador | EC | ECU | Developing |
Falkland Islands (Malvinas) | FK | FLK | Developing |
French Guiana | GF | GUF | Developing |
Guyana | GY | GUY | Developing |
Paraguay | PY | PRY | Developing |
Peru | PE | PER | Developing |
South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands | GS | SGS | Developing |
Suriname | SR | SUR | Developing |
Uruguay | UY | URY | Developing |
Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of) | VE | VEN | Developing |
Kazakhstan | KZ | KAZ | Developing |
Kyrgyzstan | KG | KGZ | Developing |
Tajikistan | TJ | TJK | Developing |
Turkmenistan | TM | TKM | Developing |
Uzbekistan | UZ | UZB | Developing |
China | CN | CHN | Developing |
China, Hong Kong Special Administrative Region | HK | HKG | Developing |
China, Macao Special Administrative Region | MO | MAC | Developing |
Democratic People’s Republic of Korea | KP | PRK | Developing |
Mongolia | MN | MNG | Developing |
Brunei Darussalam | BN | BRN | Developing |
Cambodia | KH | KHM | Developing |
Indonesia | ID | IDN | Developing |
Lao People’s Democratic Republic | LA | LAO | Developing |
Malaysia | MY | MYS | Developing |
Myanmar | MM | MMR | Developing |
Philippines | PH | PHL | Developing |
Singapore | SG | SGP | Developing |
Thailand | TH | THA | Developing |
Timor-Leste | TL | TLS | Developing |
Viet Nam | VN | VNM | Developing |
Afghanistan | AF | AFG | Developing |
Bangladesh | BD | BGD | Developing |
Bhutan | BT | BTN | Developing |
India | IN | IND | Developing |
Iran (Islamic Republic of) | IR | IRN | Developing |
Maldives | MV | MDV | Developing |
Nepal | NP | NPL | Developing |
Pakistan | PK | PAK | Developing |
Sri Lanka | LK | LKA | Developing |
Armenia | AM | ARM | Developing |
Azerbaijan | AZ | AZE | Developing |
Bahrain | BH | BHR | Developing |
Georgia | GE | GEO | Developing |
Iraq | IQ | IRQ | Developing |
Jordan | JO | JOR | Developing |
Kuwait | KW | KWT | Developing |
Lebanon | LB | LBN | Developing |
Oman | OM | OMN | Developing |
Qatar | QA | QAT | Developing |
Saudi Arabia | SA | SAU | Developing |
State of Palestine | PS | PSE | Developing |
Syrian Arab Republic | SY | SYR | Developing |
Turkey | TR | TUR | Developing |
United Arab Emirates | AE | ARE | Developing |
Yemen | YE | YEM | Developing |
Fiji | FJ | FJI | Developing |
New Caledonia | NC | NCL | Developing |
Papua New Guinea | PG | PNG | Developing |
Solomon Islands | SB | SLB | Developing |
Vanuatu | VU | VUT | Developing |
Guam | GU | GUM | Developing |
Kiribati | KI | KIR | Developing |
Marshall Islands | MH | MHL | Developing |
Micronesia (Federated States of) | FM | FSM | Developing |
Nauru | NR | NRU | Developing |
Northern Mariana Islands | MP | MNP | Developing |
Palau | PW | PLW | Developing |
United States Minor Outlying Islands | UM | UMI | Developing |
American Samoa | AS | ASM | Developing |
Cook Islands | CK | COK | Developing |
French Polynesia | PF | PYF | Developing |
Niue | NU | NIU | Developing |
Pitcairn | PN | PCN | Developing |
Samoa | WS | WSM | Developing |
Tokelau | TK | TKL | Developing |
Tonga | TO | TON | Developing |
Tuvalu | TV | TUV | Developing |
Wallis and Futuna Islands | WF | WLF | Developing |
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