Pascale Fung

Pascale Fung

Pascale Fung is a Senior Director of AI Research at Meta. She is a Chair Professor at the The Hong Kong University of Science & Technology (HKUST), and a visiting professor at the Central Academy of Fine Arts in Beijing. She is an elected Fellow of the AAAI, IEEE, ACL and ISCA. She was the founding Director of HKUST Centre for AI Research (CAiRE), and the founding chair of the Women Faculty Association (a first in Asia). She is an expert on the Global Future Council, a think tank for the World Economic Forum. She represents HKUST on Partnership on AI to Benefit People and Society. She is on the Board of Governors of the IEEE Signal Processing Society. She is a member of the IEEE Working Group to develop an IEEE standard – Recommended Practice for Organizational Governance of Artificial Intelligence. She is part of the expert network for the United Nations Advisory Board on AI. Her research team has won several best and outstanding paper awards at ACL, ACL and NeurIPS workshops. She is frequently invited globally as a keynote speaker on public and academic forums on both AI core technology and governance. She lived in five countries and speaks seven European and Asian languages. 

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  • Organization
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology
  • Profession
    Director of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence Research
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