Vijay Kumar

Vijay Kumar

Dr. Vijay Kumar is the Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering with appointments in the Departments of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, Computer and Information Science, and Electrical and Systems Engineering at the University of Pennsylvania. 

Kumar’s group works on creating autonomous ground and aerial robots, designing bio-inspired algorithms for collective behaviors, and on robot swarms. They have won many best paper awards at conferences, and group alumni are leaders in teaching, research, business and entrepreneurship. 

Kumar is a fellow of ASME and IEEE and has been elected to the National Academy of Engineering, American Philosophical Society, and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. He is the founder of Exyn Technologies, an advisor to Treeswift, and serves on the board of WeRobotics and O2Micro. 

Dr. Vijay Kumar has held many administrative positions in the School of Engineering and Applied Science, including the director of the GRASP Laboratory, chair of Mechanical Engineering and Applied Mechanics, and the position of the Deputy Dean. He served as the assistant director of robotics and cyber-physical systems at the White House Office of Science and Technology Policy. 

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  • Organization
    University of Pennsylvania
  • Profession
    Nemirovsky Family Dean of Penn Engineering
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