Disaster Management

Discovery - AI and Robotics
OnlineGOAL 11GOAL 13+2
13 October 2022
16:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
AI-powered drones are powerful tools in disaster response. Recent advances...
OnlineGOAL 11GOAL 17
16 March 2022
10:00 - 15:45
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Integrating frontier technologies including Artificial Intelligence (AI) into existing emergency...
OnlineGOAL 11GOAL 15+1
24 February 2022
17:00 - 18:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Ask a geophysicist whether earthquakes can be predicted, and they...
Discovery - AI and Robotics
OnlineGOAL 11GOAL 13+2
30 November 2021
16:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Changes in the global climate system are exacerbating the risk...
20 October 2021
14:00 - 16:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Natural disasters are responsible for countless injuries, mortalities, displacements, damages...
OnlineGOAL 11
23 September 2021
16:00 - 17:00
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
In the event of disasters, it is essential to have...
OnlineGOAL 11
23 June 2021
10:00 - 15:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
The International Telecommunication Union (ITU),  World Meteorological Organization (WMO)​ and...
19 March 2021
11:00 - 11:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Landmines and weapons are a deadly obstacle to both humanitarian...
15 March 2021
10:00 - 14:00
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Natural disasters are responsible for countless injuries, mortalities, displacements, damages...
12 November 2020
16:00 - 17:00
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
The Amazon Web Services (AWS) Disaster Response Program, launched in...
OnlineGOAL 11GOAL 15
13 October 2020
11:00 - 12:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
This webinar will discuss the potential role of AI in...
OnlineGOAL 15GOAL 9
9 June 2017
14:00 - 15:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Watch the interview with Robin Murphy, Professor at Texas A&M...
9 June 2017
10:30 - 12:00
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Watch the interview with Pablo Rodriguez, CEO of Telefonica Alpha​...