Fatema Hamdani

Fatema Hamdani

As the Co-Founder and CEO of KH Aerospace, Fatema Hamdani is unlocking the potential of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) to augment and save lives, applied in everything from disaster relief and anti-poaching operations to military intelligence and reconnaissance.

Kraus Hamdani Aerospace has built the world’s first fully electric, zero-emissions UAV with the longest airborne endurance in its category. The company is breaking world records with UAVs that can travel longer distances, stay in flight longer and at higher altitudes than any before.

She has a nearly two-decades of record building businesses that use disruptive technology to solve tough business problems in sectors ranging from financial services and life science to telecom and travel. Fatema has a remarkable ability to connect the dots and see the patterns that are fundamental to move from concept during R&D to full-scale implementation. 

Having lived and worked around the world, she is keenly aware of the big challenges facing humanity and is relentlessly passionate about using aeronautics to deliver the solutions the world needs.

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  • Organization
    KH Aerospace
  • Profession
    Co-Founder and CEO
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Discovery - AI and Robotics
OnlineGOAL 11GOAL 13+2
30 November 2021
16:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
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