Kirk McKinzie 

Kirk McKinzie 

Mr. McKinzie is a SMART First Responder Technologist, a 30+ year fire service veteran, and partners with international teams focused on Next Gen solutions. He functions as an adjunct professor, SME, advisor, speaker, and author to government, enterprise, academia, start-ups, and operators focused on SMART city design, emergency response, venture capital, interoperability, fire/explosion investigation, standards, and codes. His areas of expertise include NextGen first response systems, remote sensing, biometrics, artificial intelligence, IoT, computational fluid dynamics, holographic light display, haptic feedback, 3D+ Virtual/Mixed/Augmented Reality, and related lifesaving technological solutions. His equity interest in life-the goal is to save one. Notable success includes collaborator to AUDREY: the DHS funded artificial intelligence for first responders’ platform, via the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Jet Propulsion Lab (JPL), National Institute of Standards and Technology – Public safety Communications Research Group awardee: Top Incident Command Interface – Mass Transit Accident Scenario and 4th place for Augmented Reality Interfaces for First Responders – team ERIS/ARCortex, and Virtual Reality Ideology Grant recipient, Revolutionary Technology Award 1st Place Local Government, Public Sector Partners – RevTechX, Edge of Government-Finalist, World Government Summit Dubai-Advisor/SME- Qwake Tech-computer vision solution. 

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