Manon Vermenouze

Manon Vermenouze

Manon Vermenouze, 32, is the Director of Communications, Public Affairs and CSR at Shark Robotics, the world leader in firefighting robots. She is also vice-president of the European association Drones4Sec, and advisory board member of the International Observatory for Diversity in Artificial Intelligence-IDAIO, based in Geneva. Previously, she was an economic journalist in the written press in Paris and, at the same time, a speaker on the Spanish channel France 24 on economic subjects. She was also a member of the board of the Association of Economic and Financial Journalists-AJEF. 

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  • Organization
    Shark Robotics
  • Profession
    Director of Communications, Public Affairs and CSR
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18 January 2023
16:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
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