Josef Kienzle

Josef Kienzle

Josef Kienzle holds an M.Sc. in Agricultural Engineering from Hohenheim University and a post-graduate certificate for Advanced Training in Agricultural Development (CATAD) from Humboldt University, Berlin. He currently leads the sustainable agricultural mechanization group in the Rural and Urban Crop and Mechanization Systems team in the Plant Production and Protection Division (NSP) of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), Headquarters at Rome, Italy. Sustainable mechanization is embedded within one of FAO’s key programmes on ‘sustainable crop production and Conservation Agriculture’. Mr Kienzle’s work emphasizes the crucial role of farm power and of innovative and efficient mechanization solutions, including digital solutions, precision agriculture and autonomous equipment. His concern is to appropriating them to the context of smallholder farmers in developing countries. His work also highlights the important role that the public and private sectors play in agricultural machineries supply chains and capacity development for mechanization service providers. Mr Kienzle led the Conservation Agriculture component of the WorldBank led Guangdong Agricultural Pollution Reduction Programme that is promoting reduced- and no-tillage mechanized and energy-efficient solutions in rice and maize based systems. Mr Kienzle is advising the Conservation Tillage Research Center at China Agricultural University on sustainable mechanization and Conservation Agriculture.

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  • Organization
    United Nations Food and Agricultural Organization (FAO)
  • Profession
    Agricultural Engineer
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