AI for road safety – Launch event

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  • Date
    6 October 2021
    1300 - 1600
    3 hours
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    The International Telecommunication Union (ITU), the UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety and the UN Envoy on Technology are launching a new initiative entitled, “AI for Road Safety”. An online event will be held on 6 October 2021 to kick off this new initiative.

    The AI for Road Safety initiative is in line with the UN General Assembly Resolution (UN A/RES/74/299) on Improving global Road Safety, which highlights the role of innovative automotive and digital technologies, as well as in line with the UN Secretary General’s roadmap on digital cooperation. The new initiative will also support achieving the UN SDG target 3.6 to halve by 2030 the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents, and the SDG Goal 11.2 to provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all by 2030. See the Launch event in October 2021.

    In collaboration with the 7th meeting of the – Launch Event Focus Group on Autonomous and Assisted Driving (FG‑AI4AD) and in partnership with the AI for Good Summit, this webinar will explore how advances in AI technologies may be used to enhance road safety for all road users, including vehicles and vulnerable road users (motorized and non-motorized, e.g. pedestrian, cyclists, motorcyclists, electric scooters, etc.).


    Reducing road mortality by half, which is a UN target for 2030, could save 675,000 lives a year. Knowing where and when road traffic crashes happen is crucial to address the problem. Unfortunately, many countries have little or no data on road traffic crashes and no means to effectively analyse the data they do have to identify effective solutions. Therefore, a major aim of this initiative will be to ensure equitable access to data and ethical use of algorithms across all safe system pillars.

    In the current scenario, it is crucial to identify the various elements that influence road safety and especially the role that AI can play to enhance crash data collection and analysis, to improve road infrastructures, to enable more effective post-crash responses as well as to inspire more modern regulatory frameworks in the transport sector. These solutions are all the more needed in low- and middle- income countries, where most of the road fatalities and injuries occur.

    The aim of this webinar is to launch the new initiative on AI for Road Safety by discussing latest AI-based technologies and other approaches to enhance the existing Safe System Approach to Road Safety in view of the transformational change enabled by smart mobility.

    Target Audience

    This Webinar is free and open to any individual from an UN member country who is interested in contributing to the work, including private sector, academia, governments and other institutions.

    Topics in focus

    • Role of AI on road safety data and regulatory frameworks
    • Role of AI on safer vehicles, including connected, cooperative and automated vehicles
    • Role of AI on road infrastructure
    • Role of AI on post-crash response

    Download the event agenda here.


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