AI and Children’s Rights: A Global View of Current Practices

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AI and Children’s Rights: A Global View of Current Practices


This webinar celebrates children’s rights in the era of AI. It brings together leading experts in the field of Artificial Intelligence and Children’s Rights to discuss the latest advancements, ethical considerations, policy initiatives, practices and future directions with a focus on children’s inclusion and non-discrimination. This webinar emphasizes the need for multi-stakeholder discussion and invites experts from academia, industry and policy while a panel of young people will contribute their perspective. This webinar will celebrate participation from African countries and will create awareness for the importance of inclusion of children from less privileged environments.


The objective of this webinar is to explore the role of Artificial Intelligence in children’s lives their fundamental rights, the emerging risks, such as privacy and equality and the opportunities for children in the Global South. We will discuss the metrics of successful case-studies and their impact on children in low- and middle income countries and practices for responsible development.


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