Tess Hellebrekers

Tess Hellebrekers

Tess Hellebrekers is currently a Research Scientist at Meta AI in Pittsburgh working with Abhinav Gupta and Jessica Hodgins. Her work focuses on generalizable tactile sensors for scalable and sharable tactile data. Tess previously received her Ph.D. from the Robotics Institute at Carnegie Mellon University for her work on novel soft sensor design, manufacturing, and integration.

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  • Organization
    Meta AI
  • Profession
    Research Scientist
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17 March 2022
16:00 - 18:00 CET, Geneva | 23:00-01:00 CST, Beijing | 11:00-13:00 EST, New York
Benjamin Tee (National University of Singapore), Ravinder Dahiya (Northeastern University, Boston, USA), Tess Hellebrekers (Meta AI )...

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