Mei Lin Fung

Mei Lin Fung

People must be at center of the Internet which is becoming “the infrastructure that underlies all infrastructures”. Mei Lin Fung is Chair of the People Centered Internet building resilient communities with digital supply chains and finance, harnessing data so that all community members can thrive. She chairs the Technical Committee on Sustainability for the the IEEE Society for the Social Implications of Technology. She is on the advisory council of GovStack, a UN initiative to develop common digital building blocks for government services and was named a 2022 Hasso Plattner Institute Fellow. She worked at intel and Oracle. Mei Lin served as Co-Chair for the Expert Roundtable for Asia, Europe, Africa and the Middle-East for the 2023 UN Commission on the Status of Women report on Digital Innovation. She convenes the Digital Cooperation and Diplomacy network in monthly international meetings chaired by the Tech Envoy of Estonia. She is the lead author of policy briefs for the German and Japan G7 presidencies, process, of which two of the 2022 policies have been selected for implementation by the German Government. The Puerto Rico Prosperity Initiative is the first sandbox for digital transformation underway in the US that engages with digital cross sector regulatory issues, in a participatory democracy approach.

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  • Organization
    People Centered Internet
  • Profession
    Chair of the People Centered Internet, co-founded with Vint Cerf
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