(Replay) Imagining the future of work in an AI-driven world

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  • Date
    3 January 2024
    11:00 - 14:00
    3 hours
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    This is a replay of a workshop that took place in the ITU on the 5th of July, during the AI for Good Global Summit in Geneva, Switzerland.

    There is no doubt – AI will completely transform the future of work.

    But how can humanity lead the way in imagining and shaping what that future will be?

    AI is advancing faster than even technology experts predicted, and the impact on the world of work is a central concern. As the capabilities of generative AI rise exponentially, human imagination is struggling to keep up. Can imagine a future of meaningful cooperation with advanced technology – or a world where goods and value could be created without human work? What would these different realities mean for our future lives and lifestyles, and for our collective welfare, wellbeing, and wealth – and what future would we want?

    Technology, and AI in particular brings accelerated opportunities for human participation in the global economy and advancements in society. But the use of AI also signals near term and long term risks in how our society function and the very meaning of work.

    A half-day interactive workshop and discussion where participants will:

    • Hear from experts on technology, creativity, foresight, policy and governance
    • Share and discuss visions of the future of work created with advances in AI
    • Discuss the implications for collective creativity, foresight, and future solutions


    Leading thinkers lay out the potential impact and risks of AI for the future of work, the challenge of imagining positive futures for work, and the implications for global inclusion and cooperation.

    Screening of short films on the future of work, created in the context of AI future, and preparation for breakout sessions

    Attendees join one of 3 hands-on breakouts to design and create future scenarios of work in an AI driven world and report back on their outcome. Session moderated

    Experts in foresight, management, technology and research, and global governance reflect on the short films and the breakout outcomes, and discuss the implications and opportunities for imagining and creating a positive future of work.

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