María Cecilia Londoño

María Cecilia Londoño

María Cecilia Londoño is a biologist from the Universidad de los Andes in Colombia, with a Master’s degree and PhD from the Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México. Her professional trajectory has focused on the use of environmental data for supporting decision-making process for different stakeholder groups, focusing on the achievement of three main objectives: 1) Identify and monitor essential variables for understanding socioecological change, 2) implement an observation systems for socioecological monitoring, and 3) lead comprehensive analysis for guiding the production of transformative knowledge. Maria Cecilia work is built on the principle of participatory process with heterogeneous stakeholders that share and build knowledge leading to social appropriation of biodiversity.

María Cecilia Londoño works as a researcher in the Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring Program at the Humboldt Institute in Colombia since 2012 and co-chairs the Group of Earth Biodiversity Observation Networks (GEO BON).

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  • Organization
    Humboldt Institute
  • Profession
    Senior Researcher, Biodiversity Assessment and Monitoring Program
  • SDGs
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