Xinhui Wang

Xinhui Wang

Wang Xinhui (wangxinhui is currently the General Manager of Standardization and Industrial Relations in charge of technology innovation, standardization, strategy and industrial relations building, Vice President of ZTE Corporation.

He received Bachelor and Master Degrees from Northeastern University of China. He joined ZTE working on software development and system design of wireless communication system in 2000. Since 2006, he has been focusing on advanced radio access technology research and standardization with over 20 published papers and 50 granted patents held globally. The team under his leadership works in 100+ international/regional/domestic Standardization Organizations, Industrial Alliances/Fora/Consortia and Open Source Communities of significant prominence.

He has been elected Vice Chairman of 3GPP GERAN TSG for three consecutive terms since 2011. He serves as Member of Advisory Committee of IMT-2020(5G) Promotion Group, Member of Advisory Committee of IMT-2030(6G) Promotion Group and CCSA TC5 vice chairman. He has been the Keynote Speaker of IEEE ICC and IEEE WCNC along with Industrial Speaker of China Delegation for 7 continuous Global 5G Summits.

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    Head of Standardization and Vice President
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