Enzo Ferrante

Enzo Ferrante

Dr. Ferrante received his Systems Engineering degree from UNICEN University (Argentina), completed his PhD in Computer Sciences at Université Paris-Saclay and INRIA in Paris, France, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Imperial College London in the UK. He returned to Argentina in 2017, where he holds a permanent researcher position from the Argentina’s National Research Council (CONICET). He leads the Machine Learning for Biomedical Image Computing research line in the Research Institute for Signals, Systems and Computational Intelligence, sinc(i). In 2020 Dr. Ferrante received the Young Researcher Award from the National Academy of Sciences of Argentina, and the Mercosur Science & Technology Award for his scientific contributions in the area of AI for medical image computing. His research interests span both artificial intelligence and biomedical image analysis, with focus on deep learning methods.

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  • Organization
    Argentina's National Research Council (CONICET)
  • Profession
    Research Scientist
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