Bolei Zhou

Bolei Zhou

Bolei Zhou is an Assistant Professor in the Computer Science Department at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA). He earned his Ph.D. from MIT in 2018. His research interest lies at the intersection of computer vision and machine autonomy, focusing on enabling interpretable and trustworthy human-AI interaction. He has developed a number of widely used interpretation methods such as CAM and Network Dissection, as well as computer vision benchmarks Places and ADE20K. He is an associate editor for Pattern Recognition and has been area chair for CVPR, ECCV, ICCV, and AAAI. He received MIT Tech Review’s Innovators under 35 in Asia-Pacific Award. More about his research is at 

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  • Organization
    University of California
  • Profession
    Assistant Professor
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3 October 2022
17:00 - 18:30 CEST, Geneva | 08:00-09:30 PDT, California | 23:00-00:30 CST, Beijing
Bolei Zhou (University of California), Wojciech Samek (Technical University Berlin)

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