Nina Mahmoudian

Nina Mahmoudian

Dr. Nina Mahmoudian is an associate professor of Mechanical Engineering at Purdue University. Previously, she was the Lou and Herbert Wacker Associate Professor in Autonomous Mobile Systems with the Department of Mechanical Engineering at Michigan Tech. Her research interests include robotics, energy autonomy, system design, dynamics and controls. She received her Ph.D. in Aerospace Engineering from Virginia Tech. Dr. Mahmoudian is a recipient of the 2015 NSF-CAREER and 2015 ONR-YIP awards. She serves as the editor of the International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) and associate editor of IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters.

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  • Organization
    Purdue University
  • Profession
    Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering
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2 November 2021
16:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
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