Antoine Vella

Antoine Vella

Antoine Vella is currently the Chief of the Data, Analytics and Statistics Section of UNODC. Over the past 15 years he has worked as a statistician, analyst and team leader in drugs and crime research, leading UNODCs research programme on cocaine markets and firearms trafficking and contributing to other flagship products such as the Global Study on Homicide and the World Drug Report. Prior to his career in the UN Secretariat, Mr Vella conducted research in pure mathematics as an academic and authored peer-reviewed publications at the intersection of combinatorics and topology. He holds a doctorate in Combinatorics and Optimization from the University of Waterloo (Canada) and a degree in mathematics from the University of Pisa (Italy).

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    Chief of Data, Analytics and Statistics Section
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OnlineGOAL 10GOAL 17+15
6 July 2023
09:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles