Alexandre Cadain

Alexandre Cadain

Entrepreneur passionate with art, technology, I explore various possible futures to help organisations build alternative presents through radical innovation. I’m currently gathering a team of X-Women and X-Men to prepare ANIMA.

As I’m not an artist nor a scientist I feel lucky to have worked with both kinds of talents so far, from an art gallery yesterday to a moonshot studio tomorrow, to imagine further futures and find ways for their realization today.

Committed to the idea that our Digital Renaissance should be about distributing the future evenly in the world, I went on a developing countries tour in 2013-2014 to help social businesses tackle grand challenges in Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Fascinated with the innovative possibility of bringing people closer together, I worked on making the Hyperloop a reality with HTT in 2016-17. I joined the Governmental Affairs and Business Development teams to accelerate our mobility dream across developed and developing countries. I also started the Hyperloop Academy to grow a network of labs interested in building parts of the Hyperloop with us.

Since the end of 2015, I co-organize the Post-digital research seminar at Ecole Normale Supérieure, which explores AI possible Futures at the intersection of art, philosophy and science. Since 2017, we target Artificial Imagination.

I joined the XPRIZE Foundation as an ambassador to help with the IBM Watson AI XPRIZE by gathering and mentoring amazing teams in Europe committed to positively impact a billion lives with AI by 2020.

I hope to continue discovering new paths for antidisciplinarity with amazing people and building things together for a long time!

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    Co-Founder & CEO
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