AI for Good stories

How Microsoft leverages AI for healthcare (VIDEO)

Healthcare is a domain for which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is particularly useful. That’s why AI for Health is a core theme of the AI for Good Global Summit.

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Healthcare is a domain for which Artificial Intelligence (AI) is particularly useful. That’s why AI for Health is a core theme of the AI for Good Global Summit.

During the Summit in Geneva, Switzerland this week Hadas Bitran, Head of the Health Group in Microsoft’s Israel R&D Center, explained how and why Microsoft is embedding AI into its solution set for healthcare.

“We see our cloud, our AI capabilities as fundamental to [creating] a transformation in areas that are important to the world. We do a lot in AI for healthcare, AI for sustainability, AI for the earth, for accessibility. We invest a lot in all those domains and it’s because it’s important to the company,” said Ms Bitran. “[Microsoft] realized that the time has come to leverage AI for healthcare.”

AI and AI-powered technologies can improve and contribute to solutions for healthcare professionals by reducing costs, easing processes and reducing burdens within the industry, said Ms Bitran, adding that there are a diverse set of areas in which it has useful applications, from machine vision to natural language processing to predictive analytics.

Watch the video interview with Hadas Bitran:

Partnerships and collaboration

“[Microsoft is] here both to communicate but also to see what type of technologies are being developed in our domain and what we can collaborate with and what we can partner with,” said Ms Bitran. “The healthcare mission … is a mission that we can’t do alone. It’s not a single-company mission, […] it is a partner play.”

On the subject of data safety and healthcare, Bitran acknowledges the investment and effort Microsoft invests into ensuring that user data is safe – and details the lengths to which the company has gone to assure compliance, security and privacy in all domains.