

A true emblem of Valais genius, Roboclette is the first machine in the world capable of scraping melted cheese. Starting from a joint idea between Emmanuel Pignat, Sylvain Calinon and Nicolas Fontaine, the idea was made concrete by the development of Roboclette at the Idiap Research Institute. The success of Roboclette has grown thanks to the participation of Eddy Baillifard, Valais/Wallis Promotion and Workshop4.0. This technological gem shows the potential of research in artificial intelligence in Valais – a mix of tradition and innovation.

Since then, partners such as CremoGimelli IngineeringHugo Reitzel and Franka Emika have given global visibility to this robot, which has already toured the world several times. 

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  • Organization
    Workshop 4.0
  • Profession
    First robot making raclette
  • SDGs