Nico Lang

Nico Lang

Nico is Postdoc at the University of Copenhagen associated with the Pioneer Centre for AI, where he is co-advised by Serge Belongie and Christian Igel. He received his PhD from ETH Zurich, where he was working in the EcoVision Lab that is part of the Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (PRS) group under the supervision of Prof. Konrad Schindler and Prof. Jan Dirk Wegner. During his master’s degree in Geomatics at ETHZ he discovered his fascination for machine learning and computer vision in the context of geodata sciences. Following

on from work started during his earlier academic visit to Prof. Pietro Perona’s Computational Vision lab at Caltech, he has worked on deep learning approaches to monitor urban trees from street-level images. In his PhD, he developed an approach to compute a high-resolution canopy height model of the entire Earth by fusing optical satellite images with spaceborne LIDAR. His current research interests include quantifying the uncertainty in such estimates and learning from imbalanced data, which are ubiquitous challenges when working with real-world data. Nico sees great potential in the application of machine learning to address global environmental problems.

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  • Organization
    University of Copenhagen
  • Profession
    Postdoctoral Researcher
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