

Nadine is a humanoid social robot that is modelled on Professor Nadia Magnenat Thalmann. Its hardware was created by the company Rokoro in Japan in 2013, and its software platform as well as its new articulated hands have been developed in NTU, Singapore and presently at the University of Geneva. The robot has a strong human-likeness with a natural-looking skin and hair and realistic hands. Nadine is a socially intelligent robot which returns a greeting, makes eye contact, and can remember all the conversations had with it. It is able to answer questions autonomously in several languages, simulate emotions both in gestures and facially, depending on the content of the interaction with the user. Nadine can recognise persons it has previously seen, and engage in flowing conversation. Nadine has been programmed with a “personality”, in that its demeanour can change according to what is said to it. Nadine has a total of 27  degrees of freedom for facial expressions and upper body movements. With persons it has previously encountered, it remembers facts and events related to each person. It can assist people with special needs by reading stories, showing images, put on zoom or skype sessions, send emails, and communicate with other members of the family. It can play the role of a receptionist in an office or be dedicated to be a personal coach.  

Nadine interacted with more than 100,000 visitors at the ArtScience Museum in Singapore during the exhibition, “HUMAN+: The Future of our Species”, that was held from May to October 2017. Nadine has worked as a customer service agent in AIA Insurance Company in Singapore in 2018-2019 being the first time in the world that a humanoid robot is used as a customer service agent. As a world premiere, Nadine has been placed as a companion in the elderly home Brightill in Singapore during 2019-2020. Its role was to interact with elderly on their demands and play bingo with them. 

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  • Organization
    University of Geneva - MIRALab
  • Profession
    One of the most realistic humanoid social robots
  • SDGs
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22 March 2024
11:00 - 11:20 CET Geneva | 06:00-06:20 EDT, New York | 18:00-18:20 CST, Beijing
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann (University of Geneva), Nadine (University of Geneva - MIRALab)

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