Ji Fang

Ji Fang

Ji Fang is the founder and CEO of Divinia, which she built to improve the search experience for consumers, marketers, and e-commerce sites. Frustrated with her search experiences, Divinia’s Natural Language Processing (NLP) technology analyzes the increasingly vast amount of user-generated content and connects people with the information they want and businesses with consumers they care about with greater accuracy, relevance, speed, and improved conversion rates. As CEO, Ji oversees all business development, Investor outreach, and the latest NLP technology. Divinia’s customers include HIS USA Holdings, Motley Fool, and Perform Media. 

With a Ph.D. in Natural Language Processing from Stanford University, Ji is the former Head of Research Science and Lead Scientist in Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning at Medallia. Prior to that, she was a researcher at Palo Alto Research Center (PARC). With decades of experience in NLP, she brings deep knowledge of an array of data and AI technologies and extensive expertise in data mining, linguistics, machine learning, pattern recognition, information extraction, and text analytics, among others. She received her BA & MA in Linguistics from Peking University. Ji resides in Silicon Valley, USA. 

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    Founder and CEO
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