Fiachra O’Brolchain

Fiachra O’Brolchain

Fiachra is a philosopher based in Dublin City University’s School of Theology, Philosophy and Music. He has worked on various aspects of applied ethics, including the ethical and social implications of virtual reality and social networking in association with the EU’s Reverie Project, and the ethical implications of human enhancement technologies 

He was a Marie Curie Postdoctoral Research Fellow with the ASSISTID program. His research focused on the ethics of Assistive Technology for Persons with Intellectual Disabilities and Autism, based in Queens University Belfast and Dublin City University. His focus on this project was on the moral issues raised by medical technologies, the exploration of justice in healthcare, the relationship between technological progress and human flourishing, and the role of assistive technologies in promoting diversity and inclusion.  

He has recently worked on the H2020 Inbots project, as part of an international constortium dedicated to creating a responsible research and innovation paradigm that will potentiate EU leadership on robotics. His work in this project is to focus on the ethical strand, particularly on the moral status of robots, the ethical risks of design bias in the development of care robots, and the moral hazard associated with broader societal use of robots.   

He is a DCU Rising Talent Fellow, focusing on the ethical aspects of technological development and environmental philosophy, including issues of the sustainability of robotics and the ethics of biologicalisation.  He has recently begun working with the National Disability Authority on ethical issues around assistive technologies for people with disabilities. 

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  • Organization
    Dublin City University
  • Profession
    Marie-Curie Research Fellow
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