Beth Rudden

Beth Rudden

Global executive leader with 20+ years of IT and data science experience at global technology company IBM. Builds teams, products, and cognitive enterprises and thrives on transforming lives through ethical data use. Produced patented solutions that led to clearer insights, better customer understanding, and faster implementation. Turned innovation and a customer-focused problem-solving approach into a $2 billion business.

In her current role as Global Talent Transformation Offering Leader for IBM Consulting, Beth drives transformation for IBM’s clients through the design and delivery of scaled AI systems that are explainable, ethical and can be adopted by every human. She is redefining the experience of work.

Beth has a Masters in Anthropology from University of Denver and a Classics (Greek and Latin) Degree from Florida State. She helped design the Data Science Profession in IBM, accredited through Open Group. Beth has over 40 patents, including the integration of analytic algorithms into information systems to create decision support automation, cognitive role-based visualizations, and container based distributed analytics for privacy -> taking the algorithm to the data.

Beth sits on IBM’s Academy of Technology Technical Council, run invention disclosure and promotion boards, serves on the AI executive Open Source board, IBM’s corporate Global Data Science Board, as well as many other technology related boards. She is the Executive Sponsor for our LGBT+ and Women’s BRG in Boulder, Colorado, and has many ties to the PTECH and STEM communities. She is also an active member of many organizations including IBM Academy of Technology and Women in Technology.

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  • Organization
    IBM Consulting
  • Profession
    Global Talent Transformation Offering Leader
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OnlineGOAL 10GOAL 5+1
24 May 2022
16:00 - 17:30
EST - New York
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