André Rabello Dos Anjos

André Rabello Dos Anjos

My name is André (Rabello dos) Anjos. I’m Scientific Researcher at the Idiap Research Institute located in the nice town of Martigny, Wallis, Switzerland. Here, I conduct Reproducible Research in Computer Vision and Machine Learning applied to medical data. My other research interests are Biometrics, Pattern Classification, Signal Processing, and Computing. Previously, I used to work for the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA at CERN, Switzerland, as a Software Engineer for at the ATLAS experiment. During that time, I was one of the responsibles for the development and maintenance the experiment’s Trigger and Data-Acquisition system.

I started studying electronics and computers in 1994, when I joined the Electronics Engineering School of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro. I finished my basic electronic engineering studies in 1999, my masters degree in 2001, finally getting a Ph.D. in Signal Processing in 2006. During this time I have been affiliated to the Signal Processing Laboratory. I have studied different subjects during all these years ranging from digital filters to pattern recognition. Most of my research time during school years was dedicated to Artificial Neural Networks. I keep a record of all my publications in this website.

I’m a scientific researcher who is also passionate about software. Such a passion started around 1994, when I first joined the engineering school. I enjoy simplicity and powerful designs. I find it is quite hard to make something simple and strive to reach this goal in everything I do.

You can access my CV here. If you are interested in code, you can check-out my contributions on github or gitlab. Publications are available on my publications link. Specifically, if you wonder how this website was put together, you should take a look at that link.

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  • Organization
    iDiap Research Institute, Switzerland
  • Profession
    Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Medical Imaging & Health Data Analysis, Reproducibility, Ph.D.
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