Towards digital agriculture: Expanding on the AI and IoT paradigm

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  • Date
    14 February 2022
    11:00 - 14:00
    3 hours (including 30 minute networking)
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    Achieving “zero hunger” is shared a global commitment, which encompasses the aim to build sustainable climate-resilient agriculture systems to curb food insecurity and malnutrition. Digital technologies, including Artificial Intelligence (AI), the Internet of Things (IoT), hold the potential to revolutionize agriculture and food production cycles, with the promise to increase yield, ensure environmental sustainability, and prevent or reduce food loss and waste.
    This AI for Good webinar will explore the rise of “digital agriculture” and its role in supporting systems that ensure greater food security, inclusivity, profitability, and overall environmental sustainability through optimized resource usage. Technologies using AI and IoT solutions, along with digital twins, robots and drones have transformed the agro-based systems through improved real-time harvesting, traceability, and monitoring of various important parameters such as soil moisture, weed detection, yield quantity, and crop quality.
    According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), approximately 690 million people have faced hunger in 2020. The challenges linked with global hunger have been exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic which has impacted food cost, distribution, nutrition, and healthy diets. With the increasing digitization of agricultural production processes and distribution mechanisms in this context, it is important to identify existing key and emerging issues including data fragmentation, cost implications, limited connectivity, along with data trust and security.

    Recognizing these challenges, the Focus Group on Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Internet of Things (IoT) for Digital Agriculture (FG-AI4A), was established in collaboration with FAO to pave the way forward for the leveraging of new and emerging technologies such as AI and IoT in the optimization of agricultural production and distribution processes.
    As the first step towards the work of FG-AI4A, this Webinar will further explore the challenges associated with the adoption of digital agriculture and expand on the role of relevant digital agricultural technologies in attaining the targets related to United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals relating to responsible consumption and production patterns and to halving per capita food waste respectively by 2030. The Webinar will also delve into the importance of standardization within the domain of digital agriculture, with a view to bridging the digital divide to reduce food wastage and enhance crop production across the globe.

    This live event includes a 30-minute networking event hosted on the AI for Good Neural Network. This is your opportunity to ask questions, interact with the panelists and participants and build connections with the AI for Good community.

  • This session will explore how the agricultural sector has been shaped by digital era, with the adoption of big data, IoT, AI, robotics, digital twin, and sensors. The session will also highlight the role of standardization in relating to digital technologies for strengthening the agricultural value chains and procedures for food distribution, especially in lower and mid-income countries.

    Digital technologies are guiding us through the fourth agricultural revolution for driving sustainable food production and enhanced supply chain performance. In this context, the session will articulate the existing trends relating to the automation of agricultural production process and livestock systems, while underscoring the future trajectories linked to the use of emerging technologies for the achievement of SDG2 on “Global Hunger”.  

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