The EU’s Artificial Intelligence act: How will it impact your life and business?

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  • Date
    13 October 2021
    16:00 - 17:00 CEST, Geneva
    60 minutes
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    In April 2021, the European Commission released a proposal for the regulation of AI, the Artificial Intelligence Act (AIA), with the goal to balance the benefits of AI with its risks. The draft regulation takes a risk-based approach, differentiating between AI use cases that create

    (i) an unacceptable risk and are therefore prohibited, e.g. AI-based social scoring for general purposes done by public authorities; real-time remote biometric identification systems in publicly accessible spaces for the purpose of law enforcement (with exceptions),
    (ii) a high risk to health, safety, or fundamental rights of individuals; those high-risk AI systems are permitted (e.g. recruitment, medical devices), subject to compliance with certain mandatory requirements and ex-ante conformity assessment,
    (iii) ‘transparency’ risk; those are permitted subject to information obligations: notifying humans that they are interacting with AI Systems; notifying humans that they are exposed to emotional recognition systems or biometric categorization systems; applying labels to deep fakes (with exceptions),
    (iv) low or minimal risk: no restrictions; a voluntary code of conduct is proposed.

    To support innovation, the draft regulation encourages the set-up of regulatory sandboxes, i.e., controlled environments to test innovative technologies for a limited time. Measures to ease the regulatory burden on SMEs and start-ups are also proposed.
    In this interactive keynote, Kilian Gross, the head of the unit of the European Commission responsible for drafting this regulation, will answer questions on how AIA will impact your life and business.

    Please feel free to submit questions for Kilian Gross prior to the episode to

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