Problem owners to problem solvers: Helping people build AI solutions on their own terms

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Problem owners to problem solvers: Helping people build AI solutions on their own terms

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  • Technologies such as AI touches all aspects of our lives. Yet the solutions we create and the digital economies that result from them can have the unintended consequence of disenfranchising others. In the process of creating readily available data-driven, AI-empowered services, we run the risk of imposing our ideas for how these technologies serve the needs of others without understanding the root of their problems. And when people do not have the agency to make informed decisions about the technology impacting their lives, we only widen the digital divide we seek to resolve.

    If you give a someone a fish, you feed them for a day. If you teach someone to fish, you feed them for a lifetime. In this episode of Let’s Talk, we will connect with Rudradeb Mitra, Founder of Omdena, to brainstorm how we can turn the world’s problem owners into AI problem solvers, helping people understand and identify how these solutions can be developed for them, by them. We will explore his personal motivations in developing his AI development platform as well as his perspectives for bringing together the right people, processes, and technologies to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. Finally, we will discuss the dual-edged nature of AI as a mechanism for upward mobility and disenfranchisement, and what we can do to ensure that people are not left behind in an increasingly global and digital world.

    Let’s Talk is AI for Good’s series of live and interactive fireside chats focused on human-centric conversations around AI presented straight to social media.

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