Rita Cucchiara

Rita Cucchiara

Rita Cucchiara is full professor at University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Department of Engineering “Enzo Ferrari”, heading the AImagelab laboratory (aimagelab.unimore.it) . She is director of the Modena’s ELLIS Unit and of the Interdepartmental Center AI Research and Innovation (AIRI) of UNIMORE. Rita Cucchiara’s research involves computer vision, pattern recognition and multimodal learning for many applications spanning from surveillance, media understanding, robot interaction and financial data. Currently she is involved in some EU projects of Horizon Europe, namely ELSA, ELIAS, ELLIOT and MINERVA, as well as in the new  EU AIFactory initiative of EuroHPC for the Italian  supercomputer project ITAL4IA. Rita Cucchiara is currently AE of IEEE Transactions of PAMI and has been – among other roles-  General Chair of CVPR2024, ICVPR2020, ACMMM2024 and  Program Chair of ICCV2017.  For publications see https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=OM3sZEoAAAAJ&hl=it 

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    University of Modena and Reggio Emilia (UNIMORE)
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