Melinda Claybaugh

Melinda Claybaugh

Melinda Claybaugh is a Director of Privacy Policy at Meta. She works to achieve Meta’s vision of globally-consistent privacy and data regulations that protect people’s data while enabling innovation—by driving advocacy on specific legislative proposals, while also helping design policy solutions for complicated or novel issues, including AI and immersive technology. She has represented Meta at various international convenings, including the OECD and the IGF, as well as regularly advocating with government stakeholders around the world. She previously spent 12 years at the Federal Trade Commission, where she worked in the Division of Privacy and Identity Protection on enforcement actions related to consumer. Melinda later joined the FTC’s Office of International Affairs, where she specialized in international digital policy. She represented the United States in discussions at the OECD, the UN, and in APEC, where she helped design global frameworks to enhance consumer privacy protections and strengthen enforcement cooperation among data protection authorities.

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    Director of Privacy Policy

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