Luca Longo

Luca Longo

Luca Longo is an Italian computer scientist specializing in Artificial Intelligence, Deep Learning and Argumentation Theory with research in Human performance modelling. He founded the World Conference on Explainable Artificial Intelligence and performs fundamental research in computational models of Cognitive Load. He is a public speaker disseminating technical knowledge to the wider public and contributing to the non-profit organization TED (conference) “ideas worth spreading”. Luca is the recipient of the 2023 “AI Person of the Year” award and also the 2016 and 2021 winner of the Teaching Hero Award in Ireland. He inspires students by creating motivating and stimulating learning environments that support the acquisition of skills and the formation of knowledge applicable in practical contexts through mastering the Community of inquiry in Higher education. Longo is also an educator, striving to empower Education using technology and Artificial Intelligence. He is originally Italian and has a bachelor’s and master’s degree in computer science. He also have masters in Health informatics, Statistics, and a doctorate in Artificial Intelligence acquired at the Trinity College Dublin. At the Technological University Dublin, he obtained two masters in Pedagogy, one in Scholarship of teaching and learning and one in Applied E-learning.

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  • Organization
    Technological University Dublin
  • Profession
    Professor/Founder XAI World Conference
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