Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee

Kevin Lee is a social venture entrepreneur in South Korea. As the co-founder and CEO of EQ4ALL his mission is “Envisioning equitable society with technology”. Prior to starting his social venture career in 2017, he had been working for Nagra Kudelski as country manager of Korea, Japan and Mongolia where he led market development of content protection and UX solutions for digital TV. 

Before joining Nagra, he worked for various ICT companies including Adobe, Kaseya and Samsung SDS. 

He has been a key member of Digital Inclusion Forum run by Korea Ministry of ICT and a member of the organizing committee for SLTAT 2023 (sign language translation and avatar technology), being held in Rhodes, Greece in June. 

Since he started his social venture career, he has received a Presidential Award in 2022 and a Minister’s Award in 2019 for his contribution to creating a digital inclusive society. 

He holds MBA at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology and BSc at Yonsei university. 

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OnlineGOAL 10GOAL 17+1
6 February 2023
09:00 - 11:00
EST - New York
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Artificial Intelligence (AI) is proving itself as a powerful tool...