Heidi Sampang

Heidi Sampang

Dr. Heidi Sampang is a pediatrician and is the managing director of the Philippines Flying Labs. She has been working in the humanitarian sector since 2005 and visited countries such as Haiti and Mozambique to provide aid during disaster and non-disaster times. She has a Master’s in Global Health from Northwestern University and is currently an adjunct professor for the Planetary and Global Health Department at St. Luke’s Medical Center College of Medicine in the Philippines. Her work with the Philippines Flying Labs enables her to create collaborative partnerships with grassroots organizations and the local government to support locally-led projects. 

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  • Organization
    Philippines Flying Labs
  • Profession
    Managing Director
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Discovery - AI and Robotics
OnlineGOAL 2GOAL 3+1
31 March 2022
16:00 - 18:00
EST - New York
CST - Beijing
PST - Los Angeles
Humanitarian needs are growing worldwide, with 235 million people requiring...