H.E. Khalil Amiri

H.E. Khalil Amiri

From 2004 to 2006 he was Professor of Computing at Imperial College London , also joining several investment funds in London . He has notably worked in the field of research and development for Hewlett-Packard , IBM and Credit Suisse . In, he became Dean of the Mediterranean Institute of Technology – Medtech . He is also a member of the scientific council of the Mediterranean School of Business , of the board of directors of MENAPAR (network for research on public administration in the Middle East and North Africa ) and of the scientific committee of IFEDA (governmental center for information, training, and the development of associations in Tunisia). He also co-founded the Arab Institute of Governance.

His professional activity and his academic research (about thirty articles) are mainly related to information management and public governance . As such, he is a member of the scientific and organizing committees of several conferences and holds several patents

Between 2012 and 2014, he was an advisor to Houcine Jaziri , Secretary of State for Immigration and Tunisians Abroad . It participates in setting up a national strategy on migration.

In , he was appointed to the post of Secretary of State to the Minister of Higher Education and Scientific Research ( Slim Khalbous ), in charge of Scientific Research, in the government of Youssef Chahed.

He holds a bachelor ‘s degree, a master ‘s degree from Pennsylvania State University and a doctorate in computer engineering from Carnegie-Mellon University.

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  • Organization
    Government of Tunisia
  • Profession
    Secretary of State for Scientific Research
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