

The aim of this project is to build a biologically inspired snake-like (or eel/lamprey-like) swimming robot, called Envirobot. The goals of the project are three-fold: (1) to build a swimming robot for outdoor robotics tasks, taking inspiration from snakes and elongate fishes such as lampreys, (2) to use the robot as a test-bed for novel types of adaptive controllers based on the concept of central pattern generators, and (3) to use the robot to investigate hypotheses of how locomotion-controlling neural networks are implemented in real animals. We are currently testing the control of different types of locomotion using central pattern generator models inspired by our numerical studies of lamprey locomotion. We previously developed Amphibot III, which can swim with speeds similar to a human, see a video of a friendly human-robot race.  At the summit we will showcase our latest swimming robots developed to approach these goals, including Envirobot, 1-guilla, and Z-Bot. The Envirobot project is part of the Swiss Nano-Tera program, in which we are improving the robot and equipping it with multiple sensors for pollution detection in lakes.

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  • Organization
    Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne
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    Bio-inspired amphibious snake robot for pollution detection in lakes
  • SDGs
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