Egemen Kolemen

Egemen Kolemen

Egemen Kolemen in an Associate Professor at Princeton University’s Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering jointly appointed with the Andlinger Center for Energy and the Environment and the Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL). He is the director of the Program in Sustainable Energy, recipient of the David J. Rose Excellence in Fusion Engineering Award and an ITER Scientist Fellow. His research combines engineering and physics analysis to enable economically feasible fusion reactors. He currently leads research on machine learning, real-time diagnostics and control at KSTAR, NSTX-U and DIII-D. He directs liquid metal divertor and low temperature diagnostics labs. On the theoretical side, his group develops software for stellarator optimization and economical analysis of fusion reactor. 

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  • Organization
    Princeton University
  • Profession
    Associate Professor
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EST - New York
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