Catharina Maracke

Catharina Maracke

Catharina is a lawyer by training and has been involved in technology governance and public licensing models for over 15 years beginning with her work as director for Creative Commons International overseeing and stewarding the Creative Commons global license porting project. She has also worked closely with the World Economic Forum, where she served on the Global Agenda Council on the intellectual property system and has founded the Software Compliance Academy, a private training and consulting firm to support clients in their Open Source journey. 

In previous roles, Catharina has worked with MBition (Mercedes-Benz subsidiary based in Berlin) to build their technology strategy focussing on system level architectural questions for the next generation of infotainment systems. Her academic appointments included faculty positions at Keio University in Japan and at Bucerius Law School in Germany, visiting positions at the University of Puerto Rico and Humboldt University in Berlin, and as faculty associate at the Berkman Klein Center at Harvard University in the US. She is a member of the Council for the Legal Network at the Free Software Foundation Europe and a fellow at the Open Forum Europe. She has received her PhD from the Christian-Albrechts University in Kiel with a scholarship from the Max Plack Institute for Intellectual Property in Munich, Germany.

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    Head of Standardization Policy

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