Artem Volkov

Artem Volkov

Artem Volkov is an Associate Professor of the “Telecommunication Networks” Department in Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications (SPbSUT) and head of experimental development in meganrtlab. He defended his PhD thesis “Future Infrastructure & Services Based on AI ” in 2021, Russian Federation. He is the author of scientific articles that are indexed in the Scopus & WoS databases and also co-authored the book “Software-define Networking” in Russian language. He specializes in 5G/6G infrastructure issues including SDN networking, MEC/Fog computing, and Telepresence services, taking into account new approaches of AI implementation to networks. He is also an Editor of draft recommendations in ITU-T SG 11, SG 13, and SG 20. Also participating as a Russian delegate in the International Telecommunication Union Standardization Sector. 

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  • Organization
    St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications
  • Profession
    Associate Professor, Department of Telecommunication Networks
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