Alberto Arribas-Herranz

Alberto Arribas-Herranz

Alberto Arribas is Microsoft’s Sustainability Science Lead for Europe.

He is also a Visiting Professor at the University of Reading Atmospheric Science department. Alberto holds a PhD in Climate Modelling (UCM, Spain) and a Diploma in Strategy and Innovation (Univ. Oxford, UK).

Prior Microsoft, Alberto worked at the UK Met Office where he led R&D for near-term climate prediction and founded the Informatics Lab, an innovation department where he led several research projects with top teams in the Technology industry (DeepMind, Microsoft AI for Earth, AWS).

His research has been published in over fifty papers and received various awards. He is a member of the European Environment Agency (EEA) Scientific Committee; Member of the UK Natural Environment Research Council Digital Environment Steering Committee;  Expert reviewer for the UK Parliament Office for Science and Technology; Expert Reviewer for the European Commission in the area of Future and Emerging Technologies.

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    Sustainability Science Lead Europe
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