Sustainable robots: What does it take for a robot to be sustainable?

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  • Date
    28 February 2023
    16:00 - 17:30 CET Geneva
    90 minutes (including 15 minutes networking)
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    Many robotic applications have the potential to help achieve sustainability goals outlined by the United Nations. AI-powered robots can contribute to sustainability in different sectors, helping to fight climate change, recycling, decreasing waste in manufacturing, minimizing chemicals in farming, as well as numerous social applications to improve accessibility and inclusion. 

    Although robots hold great promise for advancing the UN Sustainable Development Goals, the rapid increase in the demand for robots poses important questions regarding sustainable production and the future disposable of robots, ultimately asking whether the use of robotic applications could outbalance any positive impact they aim to achieve. Join this groundbreaking AI for Good webinar to find out how robots can be part of the global solution towards sustainability and what it takes for a robot to be sustainable. 

    This session is organized in partnership with euRobotics’ Topic Group on Sustainability and Environmental Aspects. 

    This live event includes a 15-minute networking event hosted on the AI for Good Neural Network. This is your opportunity to ask questions, interact with the panelists and participants and build connections with the AI for Good community.

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