In service monitoring and reporting for automated driving safety

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  • Date
    16 May 2022
    13:00 - 16:00
    180 minutes
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    The Focus Group on AI for Automated and Assisted Driving is organizing a Workshop on “In service monitoring and reporting for automated driving safety” on 16 May 2022 (13h00-16h00 CEST).
    “How safe is safe enough?” has become the key question for developers and regulators to ensure the public safety benefit of automated driving.

    In fact, it’s really two separate questions that need to be answered:
    – How safe is safe enough to be granted a license to operate on the public road?
    – How safe is safe enough while operating on the public road?

    This webinar and workshop will explore the latter question required for in-service safety assurance of automated vehicle operation once they have been approved for use on public roads. What in-service monitoring and reporting will be required to assure safety? How can we build public trust using in-service monitoring of safety? Why is in-service monitoring critical in building a no-blame safety culture of continual improvement? What evidence will be required for an in-service safety regulator to impose sanctions ranging covering warnings, fines, compliance orders, license suspensions and withdrawals?

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