Human collaboration with an AI musician

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Human collaboration with an AI musician

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  • Improvising music is one of the most creatively challenging and rewarding things that humans can do together. It evokes virtuosity, motor skills, timing, trust and ‘feel’, each person working moment-to-moment to keep the music flowing. When collaboration works, the results seem almost magical, but achieving a good collaboration is fragile and difficult, even for the best music improvisers. What happens when one of the musicians is an Artificial Intelligence?

    In this presentation, we will showcase our research and discuss ideas behind the design of AI systems that inspire and support human creativity. Creativity forces fundamentally different thinking about what AI should be over the conventions that have dominated other domains. In our work we are not looking at bettering or replacing human musicians, rather we want to support and expand human creativity for everyone.

    This presentation will include music performances and an interactive Q&A featuring researchers at Monash University in Melbourne Australia, and Goldsmiths, University of London in the UK.

    In this unique music performance, Dr Alon Ilsar, percussionist and music technology researcher from Monash, and Professor Mark d’Inverno, London Jazz pianist and AI researcher from Goldsmiths, will be joined by an AI musician for a live improvisation between humans and AI.

    Monash Data Futures Institute is your access point to the breadth of Monash University’s expertise in Artificial Intelligence and Data Science for social good. We bring together researchers across faculties at Monash University, advancing interdisciplinary approaches to AI and Data Science for social good while collaborating with the world’s best minds to drive transformational change.

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